Christmas Skit

Free Scripts for Children

Story of Bethlehem – Song

By Marcia Taylor

Divide the group into four smaller groups and assign each group one of the words listed below. Read the Christmas story. After each of the words is read pause for the group to sing the first line of the song.

MANGER: Away in a Manger

ANGEL: Hark the Herald Angels Sing

BABY: What Child it This

BETHLEHEM: Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Narrator: This is Mary, a girl of Galilee. She lived long years ago, but such a wonderful thing happened to her that we remember and love her still.

One day an ANGEL___ appeared to Mary.

Angel: You are blessed among women, for you shall have a son, whom you shall name Jesus. He shall be called the Son of God, and his kingdom shall never end.

Mary: I am glad to serve the Lord, May it be as you have said.

Narrator: Then the ANGEL___ left her.

Mary married a good man from Nazareth. His name was Joseph, and he was a carpenter by trade. Joseph had to go from Nazareth up to BETHLEHEM___ .

He had to go there to pay taxes. Mary went with him. It was a long, weary journey for her as she was expecting a BABY___.

When they reached BETHLEHM___ it was crowded. All the inns were full.

Though Joseph asked shelter only for his wife, every innkeeper turned them away. At last one innkeeper, seeing that Mary was weary and expecting a BABY__

Showed them to a stable full of warm, sweet hay. Joseph cleaned the animals’ food out of a MANGER___ then he filled it with staw for the BABY___ to sleep in.

There in BETHLEHEM__ in the animal stable Mary gave birth to a BABY__ . She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the MANGER__.

There were in that same country shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An ANGEL__ of the Lord appeared to them in shinning glory, They were all afraid.

Angel: There is nothing to fear, I come to bring you news of great joy which shall come to all people. For a child is born this day in BETHLEHEM___ a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign to you. You shall find theBABY___ wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a MANGER__.

Narrator: Suddenly the sky was full of ANGELS__, praising God and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

When the ANGELS___ disappeared into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, Let us go to BETHLEHEM__ and see this thing which the Lord has made known to us.

They hurried to the town of BETHLEHEM__ and found Mary and Joseph, and the BABY__ lying in the MANGER___. Afterwards the shepherds told everyone they met about the child.

The BABY__ was called Jesus, the name given by the ANGEL__ before he was born. And the child grew and became strong in spirit and full of wisdom. And the grace of God was upon him.

Now you hurry out and tell everyone you meet about the BABY___ lying in aMANGER___ in BETHELEHM___.

Kids sing: Go Tell It on the Mountain

This skit is free for you to read and to enjoy, but may not be included in any media sold for profit. Enjoy for free with children at home or at church or other non-profit. Contact both the writer and the owner of this website if you want to include it in something you sell.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise