Beginning to Homeschool

How to start your homeschool legally, advice to help your children learn the best they are able, within a budget you can afford, and in a lifestyle that is comfortable for your whole homeschool family.

Start With Where You Are

Homeschooling Guide
Who does it? What is homeschooling? Why do it? What do you do all day?

“Beginning to home school your children is the beginning of a great adventure. Many homeschoolingfamilies tell me deciding to teach their children academic’s changed everything about what they thought they knew about their kids.”

Begin Homeschooling with Confidence
My first thoughts were how on earth am I going to teach my children everything they need to know? It was overwhelming – and I just didn’t know where to start. By Julie Gilbert.

Help understanding the need for downtime, to decompress after a poor school experience before you really understand the freedom homeschooling can bring.

Gaining Confidence
As a new homeschooler, you may often wonder if you will ever feel at ease teaching your own. You will!

Getting Started Homeschooling, A Chat
A chat with a parent who was considering homeschooling her eldest daughter.

Going Our Own Way
Our family’s story about how we started homeschooling.

Help Getting Started Homeschooling
All sorts of wonderful essays by others on how to get started homeschooling.

Just For the Summer
Your son or daughter didn’t do too well in school this past year and you want to help them catch up. Can you homeschool just for the summer?

Where Do I Start?
Where to start looking for homeschooling advice and information.

What is Homeschooling?

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
How could I possibly teach my own kids?

History of Homeschooling
How did the modern movement come about? How did compulsory education regulations cause this reaction?

What is Homeschooling?
A variety of writers answer the question from different viewpoints.

Why Homeschool?

Benefits to Moms by Homeschooling
Mothers share their reasons for deciding to homeschool.

Dads Talk
Man-to-man talk about the how’s and why’s of the father’s role in homeschooling.

HeartMath and the Magical Child
A leading neuro-scientist has concluded that teaching to the heart is so much more effective than teaching to the brain.

Homeschool Blogs
Online journals, usually the thoughts, opinions and daily life of families.

Homeschooling Is Best
Rebuttal to Tracy Pope who wrote “Classroom is Best” in the August 1997 “Bay Area Parent.”

Independence Day
“Independence Day” has a double meaning for homeschoolers.

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
Doubts and fears, objections from others, all hold us back at times.

First Comes Mom

Care For the Primary Care Giver
Prepare to homeschool by planning to take care of the Care Giver’s needs first.

Lucky You, You’re Homeschooling!
Chase the mental “snakes” out of your home and think about how lucky you are.

Mom Guilt
Does your family really appreciate you and understand what you are try to do?

Motherhood – Smarter or More Anxious?
Two books came out just in time for Mother’s Day 2005. One claims that motherhood makes us to be more anxious and the other claims motherhood makes us women smarter. Does one necessarily preclude the other?

Spring Cleaning Your ‘tudes
Sometimes it’s a matter of changing your attitude about learning.

Homeschooling Families

Essays on what it means to be a “homeschool family.”

Living Joyfully With Children
Win and Bill Sweet, “Maximize freedom and success. Minimize fear and failure.”

Success Stories
You won’t believe what these homeschoolers have accomplished!

Planning To Get What You Really Want

Conference Conundrum
One way to learn about homeschooling is to attend a homeschoolconference, convention or curriculum fair.

Curriculum To Unschooling
Shifting from off-the-shelf to creating your own, to letting your child lead the way.

Foundations for Successful Homeschooling
Ensuring success when homeschooling children of diverse ages.

*Homeschool Rooms
Is it time to convert your preschooler’s playroom into a space for an older child to have all their educational resources handy in one space? The educational teaching area is helpful establishing respect for the home school.

New Year’s Resolutions
Homeschooling doesn’t meaning just “winging it” with a bunch of half hearted hopes. Improving as you go along is part of the normal growth of your family’s homeschool experience – children and adults.

Planning a Custom Education
The real trick to homeschooling is, believe it or not, to forget what “they” have put in place of goals for your child.

Quickstart Curriculum
Some books to order to just help families get started in their homeschool journey. Each selection is deliberately short and inexpensive.

Records and Reports
An Excel spreadsheet from your guide and other resources to help you plan, record and report your homeschool activities. Links for other reports and planners, and organizational software.

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