Dear Homeschoolers, You Are Loved Here!

Variety of children

A2Z is a welcoming and inclusive resource for everyone.

Dear undocumented homeschoolers,
In A2Z, there are no walls. You belong here. You are loved.

Dear black homeschoolers,
In A2Z, YOUR life matters. You are loved.

Dear Muslim and Middle Eastern homeschoolers,
We know you are not terrorists You are loved.

Dear Mexican homeschoolers,
We know you are not rapists or drug dealers. You are loved,

Dear female homeschoolers,
Men in our community will not grab you. Men will show you respect – Demand it! You are loved.

Dear LGBTQ homeschoolers,
You are perfect just the way you are. You are loved.

Dear homeschoolers everywhere,
We will get through this day, this week, this year and the next 4 together. We will respect each other, and learn from one another. You will be treated lovingly in this community of home educators.

Wayback Machine Edition
Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise