Homeschooling ID Cards and Homeschool Calling Cards

A2Z Home's Cool ID Card

Cards Updated for 2023-2024, with the new site link, and for newer versions of WORD.

You can download a membership card template for this site in either .doc or .rtf format. The .doc one looks better, but you’ll need WORD or a program that reads WORD files. The other one, in rich text font, should open right in your browser to be copied into any application you’d prefer.

A to Z Home’s Cool ID Card – WORD format
A to Z Home’s Cool ID Card – RTF format
Use if only 3 cards are needed: for self, spouse, and one teen. Replicate as many times as needed for more family members.

There is no charge for membership or the card UNLESS you want me to customize it, print it, hand sign it, and mail it back to you. There may be some circumstances where this may be necessary. Cost of this service starts at $10 and must be paid via PayPal.

Not “joining” will not bar you from anything on this site, blogs or groups. The card is a convenience for those who can use one.

Carrying this card is not a substitute for following the legal steps to homeschooling in your region.

Why carry a card?

I know some of you just aren’t “joiners.” You don’t join a homeschool association or support group. You aren’t in any ISP, Charter, Cover or Umbrella school or distance learning program that might give you a membership card. You may live in a state such as Texas where you have no documentation that you are homeschoolers, not even a copy of a letter of intent.

But you DO want to have some “proof” in your wallet that you are homeschooling, perhaps to get a discount at some bookstore or sporting goods store, or to enroll your teen in a community college. I cannot guarantee that having such a card on you will open all doors, but it may help with some.

If you live in a city with a daytime curfew law, your bigger kids and teenagers especially may need to have an ID on them that says they are homeschooling and not being truant. Add a small “headshot” photo. Some stores will accept these as photo IDs for those without their license yet.

Others may want to print out a fair number of cards to hand out to friends and aquaintances, much as one would a calling card. Personalize 10 cards at a time to give others both a link to this website and to you for local homeschool information.

A to Z Home’s Cool 10-card template
WORD format – Useful for editing for a support group or very large family.

The templates are fully customizable, so edit as you please. Try not to add more lines, or all lines won’t fit on a typical business card, which is 2″ x 3.5″. The template was from Avery, so should fit most of their business card papers.

Other ideas:
Make some for everyone in your support group, with the group’s information on it. Give each member a sheet of 10 to hand out to others that may be interested in joining your group.

If you change the top line and link from A2Z Home’s Cool, please delete my signature, too. Add your own signature instead.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise