Naming Your Homeschool

Parents and Kids Talking

Naming your homeschool can be fun and advantageous. Let your children be part of the process, but it is important to make the name seem professional. There are several reasons for naming your homeschool, but the main use you will get out of the name is requesting educational discounts from suppliers that are use to dealing with large schools or districts. Obtaining these discounts will be discussed in a future feature.

Another reason for naming your homeschool is for a sense of identity for your children. Everyone needs to feel they belong to something so it may make it easier for your child to answer the question, “Where do you go to school?” if they have a school name to give.

By Ann Zeise and Karen Gibson

Some ideas

  • Memorialize a family member or hero (JFK Memorial School)
  • Proclaim your philosophy or religion (Our Faith Free School)
  • Use your own last name (Gibson School)
  • Your street name (Ironman Road Academy)
  • Features in your environment (Oak Hill School)
  • Your town name (Smallville Independent Study Program)

Sample Names from Homeschool Families

I just thought I would tell you our home school name, but first let me tell you something. This is the first year that I have taught my kids, and it is going fantastic.

My kids are 17 and 14, school was very difficult for both of them, and they were always very stressed and angry (to name a few of the symptoms of school  stress). So, when we talked about naming our school, we were thinking along the lines of how home school made them feel. After writing down how they felt and looking up words in the dictionary, we finally decided, our school name is At Ease Academy  because that’s how they feel and our emblem is a dove with a green sprig in her mouth. It’s very peaceful looking and we are proud of our name.


We are new to homeschooling this year [2007]. My son attended full day preschool and kindergarten. This year he is six and in the first grade. For many reasons we are choosing to learn at home now.

I just wanted to thank you for offering such a valuable web site to the homeschool community. I find it so extraordinary that your child is an adult and you continue to be so involved! Your CA private school information was helpful as I just completed the form a few hours ago using your sample for reference. Thank you!

We named our school Ben Franklin School of Discovery. We’ve been reading about Ben Franklin lately and my son and I were so impressed with his life and discoveries that we both agreed this is the perfect name for our homeschool this year.

Sahara A.
Homeschooling mom to one 6 year old boy in San Diego, CA

We use the name Country Day Academy for the Gifted. Because Country Days are relaxing and fun and the students are very gifted each in their own way. Sounds professional and at the same time gives the kids a sense of belonging.

Great site! I found so many interesting things and will keep checking in!

Shelley A.

Ours is called Dejadoro Academy and it was created from the first 2 letters of each of our first names in the family–in birthday order. Denise (DE), Jann (JA) Donna (DO) and Rodney (RO)…the Academy part just sounds ‘professional’ to me, so that’s why it was included.


The land that we live on was called “Duck Hill Farm” back in the 1800’s. We are very proud of this, as the tract of land can be traced back as far as William Penn settling here. We have been considering naming our school, Duck Hill Academy.


I liked all the names that I saw on your web site. Every name was very creative and I thought I would share the name we selected for our school. We call ourselves E*wHim Academy. This means Education with Him (meaning our Lord and Saviour) in mind. And we thought is looked alot like E-mail, because just about everybody has it now.

Thank you for a chance to share.

Holly L.

Our Homeschool chosen name is “Eagles Nest Academy“. We learned that Eagles mate for life so this represents our Family’s stability. Nest symbolizes our Home and an Academy is a place of learning.


Loved all the creative names on your website. Ours is GLOW which stands for God leads our way. I made T-shirts with the school logo as part of their “uniform”. Don’t like when people stare and ask “Isn’t he supposed to be in school?”



I thought since I had to think hard about our name I would see if you wanted to post it, but you don’t have to. Our last name is Gates and we are Christians, we also have a bigger family too, so I finally came up with name for our school. ‘HIS Gates Quiver Academy‘. I felt this summed it up pretty well, ‘HIS’ being God’s, ‘Gates’ identifies us, and ‘Quiver’ lends to the full house we have as well as to the verse ‘blessed is the man with a full quiver…’. I am pleased with it so far and hope it sticks!

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Lisa Gates

Jolie Tristan Academy of Learning

My daughter’s and son’s name put together.


Kingdom Keys Academy
We’ve been homeschooling our 7 kids for 13 years.
The young years contain the keys to your child entering the Kingdom of God.


Being a bilingual family (Spanish/English), we chose “Mi Casa School“. “Mi Casa” means “my house” in Spanish. We’ll probably use it until the kids are older and would like to change it.

The Beattie Family

Thought I would send you our Home School Chosen Name. Our last name is Motes and we have a very talented 13 year old who is a great artist with brothers who are following in his footsteps. He likes signing his artwork with “MotesArt” Since we think MotesArt is cool and we also love music (Mozart) we’ve given our school the name “MotesArt Academy

 The Motes Family

I was browsing and found a site linked to yours. I would like to share our name with you. We are

The Mustard Seed Academy
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing is impossible.

We like it and think it describes us perfectly. Sometime faith is all we have. And it is plenty. Thanks;


Hi! Was just reading your page on naming your homeschool, and wanted to share our name with you.

Growing up, both my husband and myself fell in love with Jean Craighead George’s classic, My Side of the Mountain. As a way of memoralizing that for us, and encouraging reading and nature in our boys, we have names our school, My Side of the Mountain Learning.

Kana C.

We are thinking of naming our homeschool The Neverland School. My son’s last name is Neve and his first initial is R, so it could also be written Neve,R Land School. (This is his land, er, home after all.) This is also a reference to our hopes that he holds onto his youth as long as he can.


We call our school SaturDays Cool (we jokingly say we took the “h” out of school), and we are using an art-based approach project work for children 5 – 12. Are you familiar with the schools of Reggio Emilia and constructivism? That’s are context. This fall we will work with many Homeschoolers during the week to offer them support. I am really enjoying reading your very informative pages.

Katherine M.

Universal Minds Learning Center.

Universal – we learn from everything
Minds – there are more than one of us living here
Learning – all the time
Center – the children are the center of my universe.. they keep me centered


Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise