Determine Your Children’s Learning Styles

Identify how your children are each intelligent in their own way through these free online inventories of learning styles.

Parts is Parts – Intelligence Revisited
By David Albert. Most homeschoolers I know are partial to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.

Teaching and Relating to Your Child’s Learning Style
How to teach anyone to read once you have identified their learning style. By Lorraine Peoples, author of You Can Teach Someone to Read.

Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits
An interesting article appeared in this morning’s New York Times. It debunks much of what educators have been saying about how children learn, and seems to verify what unschooling families have known for years

Early Year’s Child’s Learning Assets
Homeschooling uses childhood energy instead of constantly trying to dam it. Now, curiosity creates interest, interest increases attention to the task at hand, and attention gives rise to learning. By Linda Dobson

Emotional Intelligence, etc.
This site contains lots of practical information on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as Steve Hein interprets and applies it. Many homeschool families value a high EQ more than a high IQ.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter
The questionaire for children identifies four temperament types: Guardian, Artisan, Idealist, and Rational. Parents will need to help younger children.

Learning Styles and Hemispheric Dominance:
Is Your Learning Style at Odds with That of Your Child’s?

These differences in our preferred approaches to learning and utilization of resources were causing some conflict among my children and myself and a great deal of inner turmoil on my part. By Karen M. Gibson, HELM.

Multiple Intelligences and the Concept of Flow
Here are the eight intelligences with some activities where you might find yourself going into a flow state. By Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.

Multiple Intelligence Test for Children to Identify Their Strengths
Printout. By knowing your child’s strengths, you can help them to succeed in school and life! The multiple intelligences test can determine their specific learning style.

What is Your Learning Style?
Free. No email required. Find out how you learn best to improve your grades or learn new skills.

Young child learning style assessment
You don’t need to take your child to a psychologist to have a young child learning style assessment done; it can be easy to determine your child’s learning style by simple observation and answering a few questions.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise