About Horses For Kids

Sara on Tim

Sara, my daughter, on Tim, a Swedish Warmblood, doing dressage.

Free lessons on how to draw horses. Learn to ride and care for a horse. Find out about prehistoric horses. Throw a horsy party. Find great horse stories.

About Horses (Equines)

4-H Horse Farm
Visit a virtual 4-H kid’s horse farm and learn just about everything a kid might want to know about horses. A lovely multimedia site you’ll really enjoy. Brought to you by the Virginia Horse Industry Board.

Breeds of Horses
From prehistoric horses to recent breeds, this site has information about all the breeds all over the world. Lots of photos and stories behind each breed.

Horse Printout
Learn the names of the parts of a horse. Read a brief overview about the horse.

Caring for Horses

Equestrian Crash Course
Saving yourself and your horse from serious injury whether in the barn or on the trail.

Horse Crazy Horse Club
Site for the young horse lover and owner. Lots of easy to understand care tips.

How to Groom a Horse : Introduction to Grooming a Horse 
A series of YouTube videos on how to groom a horse. Be sure to look at the related videos, too. You may subscribe to this video maker, if you wish.

Drawing Horses

The Secret of Drawing Horses with Kim McElroy
This video will show you how to get the feel and grace of a moving horse in your drawings.

Draw a Foal
The legs are long and thin with big knees. Remember, a foal’s legs are just about fully-grown in length right from birth. Their hooves are tiny and this makes them appear to be walking on tip toes. From the Horse Crazy Horse Club.

Draw Horses
Step by step you’ll learn to draw a dynamic white stallion.

How to draw a horse
Here’s a basic lesson on how to draw a horse. To begin you need: A couple of sharp pencils, Some paper, An eraser. Let’s get started. From The Saddle Club, an Australian TV series.

An Illustrated Horse Drawing Lesson
This is the horse we will be drawing … her name is Gingersnap. By Carol S. Rosinski

History of the Horse

Bucephalus tribute – History’s Greatest Horse (Alexander)
The study of the horse would not be complete without learning about the horse Alexander the Great rode into battle – Bucephalus.

Fossil Horse CyberMuseum
What horses looked like from 55 million years ago to the present time. Most fascinating is the section about how horse’s feet evolved over time.

The Spanish Riding School
If you get a chance to see this show, go for it! 400 years ago these white stallions were trained as war horse. Enjoy the horses and their history.

Horse Fun

Horse Birthday Parties
Invite partygoers to horse around at your child’s horse birthday party. Use the following ideas to create a festive atmosphere that your guests will remember for a long time! Use as resource for a homeschool event. A Pinterest board.

Riding Horses

Riding the Countryside
It doesn’t get much better! Here’s a few tips for safe and enjoyable ride.

Stories About Horses

My Friend Flicka
You may click to look inside and read some of this delightful story about a boy and the wild horse he choses to tame.

The Andalusian, also known as the Pure Spanish Horse or PRE (Pura Raza Española), has been recognized as an individual breed since the 15th century, and its conformation has changed very little over the centuries.

Strongly built, and compact yet elegant, Andalusians have long, thick manes and tails. Their most common coat color is gray, although they can be found in many other colors. They are known for their intelligence, sensitivity and docility. The horses were originally used for classical dressage, driving, bullfighting, and as stock horses. Modern Andalusians are used for many equestrian activities, including dressage, show jumping and driving. The breed is also used extensively in movies, especially historical pictures and fantasy epics.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise