Chemistry for Kids

Chemistry for Kids

Chemistry Experiments for Kids and Teens to do at Home and Online

Chemistry Experiments
Chemistry experiments you can do at home with easily found chemicals.

Learn about elements, compounds and mixtures, and the Periodic Table.

Chemistry Classes
Free high school chemistry lessons, lesson plans and games to help you master chemistry.

Chemistry Software
Play around with virtual chemistry experiments BEFORE you blow up your house!

Crime Scene Investigation
Forensics is the application of science to solving crimes, and scientists are getting really good at it. A Unit Study.

Crystal Ornament
Whether it’s Christmas time or not, Borax crystals are easy to create and lovely to look at.

Food Chemistry
Chemistry experiments you can do in your kitchen using products commonly found in grocery stores.

Gak Recipe
A visco-elastic substance, rather like silly putty, that is fun to make and play with. Also Oobleck and Glorax recipes, and where to get Borax and liquid starch.

Ice Cream
How making homemade ice cream can help you learn chemistry concepts.

Showy Chemistry Demonstrations
Showy chemistry demonstrations for advanced students and teachersto amaze and delight younger kids.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise