Spanish Lessons

Learning Languages

Spanish for Young Children

Little Explorers English – Spanish Dictionary
Use this dictionary to surf the web.

Zoom School Mexico
Simple lessons about Mexico for young children.

Spanish for Beginners

BBC Languages – Spanish
Includes assessment tool to get you started at the right level, extracts from tv series. Designed with the European learner or visitor to Spain in mind.

Grammar/ Gramática
From initial pronunciation to sentence constrution, this Business Spanish site is also good for high school students as it has mp3 files to help you learn correct pronunciation. You could download these to your mp3 player.

Learn Spanish
Same name, different site. Lots of specialized vocabulary, such as soccer and guitar word lists. Offers Spanish chat room.

Spanish Course for Beginners
The Embassy of Spain is pleased in introducing a Course of Spanish for beginners which has been programmed and supervised by the Department of Spanish at the University of Calgary. A downloadable course in Windows format.

Advanced Spanish

Language Express Spanish Game
Flash Spanish game for those who have a pretty good Spanish vocabulary, and can translate English into Spanish. Nice special effects.

Quia page for Spanish 2
Includes all of the Java Games for your vocabulary in Paso a Paso 2. Milpitas Spanish teacher, Srta. Feige, has also started entering other games/activities you can do with the vocabulary.

Quia page for Spanish 3
Includes all of the Java Games for your vocabulary in Paso a Paso 3. Milpitas Spanish teacher, Srta. Feige, has also started entering other games/activities you can do with the vocabulary.

Comprehensive Spanish Sites

eLearn Spanish Language
A free resource for Spanish students and teachers. Laura K. Lawless adds new lessons and links weekly.


Spanish Forum
This is the place to learn about Spanish, have your questions about Spanish answered, or simply meet other people who enjoy one of the world’s most-used languages. The languages of this bulletin board are Spanish and English.

Stories & Songs

Los tebeos de siempre
Comic strips in Spanish.

Songs of the Kids of Mexico
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba ~ Una Rata Vieja
Itzi, Bitzi Araña ~ Brinca La Tablita
Tortillitas ~ Senora Santana
Arroz con Leche ~ Estrellita

Spanish For Kids
I teach a Spanish computer lab and have written several simple songs for my young students.

Type Spanish

Type Spanish with Accents Online
This page allows you to easily type Spanish accents and other Spanish characters without a Spanish keyboard. You can edit your text in the box and then copy it to your e-mail application, word processor, etc.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise