Algebra Worksheets And Lessons

Algebraic Expressions

The Stages of Algebra with Lessons and Games and Worksheets for Each

Algebra I
Algebra II
Algebra Overview
Algebra Worksheets
Story Problems


This is a self-directed course. This means you are free to set your own study hours and rate of progress. However, it also means you are solely responsible for tracking your own progress and mastering the topics as you go along. Possible to complete in about a month.

Visual Math Learning
A free online interactive tutorial for pre-algebra students that is rich in games, puzzles, and animated manipulatives that emphasize learning concepts by visualization. For students at the middle-school level. Access to the tutorial requires no fee or registration.

Algebra I

Algebra Class
Karin Hutchinson has helped hundreds of students overcome their fear of Math and go on to excel in Trigonometry and Calculus.
Uses some of the latest technology to help you learn and understand algebra. Features lessons to learn or refresh old skills, calculators that show you how to solve problems step-by-step, and interactive worksheets to test your skills.

S.O.S Mathematics: Algebra
This an excellent, no-nonsense summary of the principles of algebra.

Algebra II

Algebra 2 Homework Help
Each topic listed below can have lessons, solvers that show work, an opportunity to ask a free tutor, and the list of questions already answered by the free tutors.

CoolMath Algebra II
Review of Algebra I, and additional lessons for Algebra II.

Algebra Overview

Free Algebra Help
Here at we have a large collection of algebra lessons available to help you learn a new subject or refresh an old one.

Practical Algebra Lessons
Or “How do you REALLY do this stuff?” The modules I’ve written give practical tips, hints, and examples, and point out common mistakes. They are cross-referenced to each other, to help you find related material. Purple Math.

Webmath Algebra I and II
Simplifying expressions, polynomials, factoring, solving equations, radical expressions, complex numbers, inequalities, writing linear equations, plotting & graphing functions, conic sections, and word problems.


QuickMath Automatic Math Solutions – Algebra
QuickMath can expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression, cancel common factors within fractions, split fractions up into smaller (‘partial’) fractions and join two or more fractions together into a single fraction.


Absurd Math
An interactive mathematical problem solving game series. The player proceeds on missions in a strange world where the ultimate power consists of mathematical skill and knowledge.

Math Nook Algebra Games
Play these Algebra Games to practice and reinforce your algebra skills the fun way.
Are you looking for fun algebra math games? You came to the right place! On this website you will find different interactive games that will help you practice important math skills.

Math Playground
Prealgebra activities and practice games.

Story Problems

Algebra Story and Word Problems
Reliable problem solving in all subjects that use mathematics for problem solving. Algebra, Physics, Chemistry… from grade school to grad school and beyond.


Algebra Worksheets: Fundamentals of Equations and Formulas
Generates a new worksheet each time you open a page again. Covers a review of Algebra 1 through logarithms and conic sections.

Making the Transition from Arithmetic to Algebra
These worksheets are based on the ideas (from the NCTM) that many students have difficulty making the transition from elementary school to middle school mathematics.

Writing basic algebraic expressions word problems
Learn how to write basic expressions with variables to describe situations described in word problems. Khan Academy videos.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise