Social Studies for Kids

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Directory of Social Studies

American History

American History
Participate actively in the history of the United States of America.

Indian Peoples of the Americas
Native culture, past and current. An introduction for children.

How Squanto helped the Pilgrims. The first Thanksgiving at Plimoth Plantation.

Colonial Times
Life in early America was both tough and fun, and these sites show you why.

Pirates of Colonial Times
If you want to hear stories of pirates, galleons, lost treasures, horrendous deeds, and gallant heros, this is a place to find them.

Salem Witch Trials
One theory that has come out recently is that the girls had been traumatized by earlier events: Indian massacres of families familiar to them.

American Revolution
Causes, events and people of the Revolution presented in formats intriguing to children.

Lewis and Clark
200 years ago these brave men led an expedition up the Missouri River, across wild mountain ranges, befriending Native Americans through the help of the Indian woman, Sacagawea.

Pioneer Times
In the early 1800s people headed across the western plains and mountains to settle in Oregon and California.

Civil War
Coloring pages, recipes, craft projects, reenactments and songs make the Civil War come alive for kids.

Modern Times – 20th Century
This page takes you from rural America at the turn of the century, through the mid-century battles, and to the advent of the technological society.

Ancient History

Prehistoric Man
Find out the truth about cave men, women and kids, as well as the lovely art they created.

Ancient History
Kids have fun exploring ancient cultures within these links.

Ancient Egypt
Wander through the mazes of ancient tombs to discover the secrets of ancient Eqypt.

Ancient Greece
Travel back in a time machine. Contribute stories. Find out about original Olympic games.

Ancient Rome (Italy)
Play the games that ancient Roman children played. Find out about daily life.


Activism 4 Kids
Participate actively in solving the world’s problems.

Governments of the United States, Australia, Canada, and the UK explained to children.

Economics for Kids
Learn about economics through these fun interactive sites just for kids.

Iraq Conflict For Kids
Read current events about Iraq Conflict. Lesson plans, ideas. How to help the children. Support Peace. Support the Troops.

News 4 Kids
Keep on top of current events. Write your own news stories.


Visit the earth’s Biomes which are areas with very different geology and plant and animal life: deserts, rainforests, tundra, taigas, temperate and grasslands.

Really good maps and atlases online to help with geography and history studies. Treasure maps, too!

United States Geography
Each and every state of the union has interesting and unique features for kids to explore through these interactive links.

World Geography
Participate actively in geographical quests and meet kids all over the world.


Biographies of Famous People
Read the stories of famous people and villains who have gone this way before.

Genealogy – Family History
Find out about your family members and create a family museum of scrapbook.

Women In History
Famous and outstanding women throughout the world and throughout time.

World Culture & History

World Culture & History
Fun sites with ideas for social studies in general. Learn about people all over the world.

Age of Exploration – 1400 – 1600
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries two nations, Portugal and Spain, pioneered the European discovery of sea routes that were the first channels of interaction between all of the world’s continents.

Canadian History
From the Children of Eagle and Raven to modern times. Resources for Canadian children and others to study Canada.

Flight History
Since early times, people have been fascinated with the idea of flight. Learn how these dreams of flight came true.

Inca Culture
The Inca society was very organized. Everyone understood his or her position in the social pyramid.

Come explore India, its mysterious past, games, culture and language.

Mayan Culture
Mayan stories, activities and virtual tours help you learn more about this ancient culture.

Medieval Times
Find out about Castles, Happenings, Heraldry, Kings & Queens, Knights & Ladies, Organizations, and Plays.

Renaissance for Kids
Are we still in the Renaissance Period today? Come decide for yourself.

What is myth? What is fact? Learn about Scandinavian history, play games, and explore with the Vikings.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise