Accreditation of Homeschools?

Is Accreditation of Homeschools Necessary?

Homeschoolers do not want the government or anyone else to “qualify” parents to teach their own.

Accountability Debate

Just Who Is Accountable for My Child’s Education?
Or Accreditation Rears Its Ugly Head Again! We ask, then, what’s the point? To say that a school is “accredited” sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But what does it really mean? From HEIR in GA.

Laws designed to prevent certain families from homeschooling
Be it resolved by members of the Wisconsin Parents Association (WPA) that WPA will work through its members to oppose laws that would prevent some people from homeschooling and will work through its members to inform parents, the general public, and legislators of the unacceptability and risk of such laws and practices.

Accrediting Agencies

However, some homeschoolers wish to avail themselves of accredited programs to complete their high school diploma work. They may wish to go with an accredited institution rather than do independent homeschooling.

Unaccredited Agencies
If the program you are considering says they are accredited by one of these agencies, be wary. These may be phonies!

CHEA- and USDE-Recognized Accrediting Organizations
Part I of this chart lists regional, national faith-related, national career-related and programmatic accreditors that are or have been recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) or both. Organizations identified by (•) are recognized; (–) indicates those not recognized.

International Registry of Accredited Schools
How does your school demonstrate commitment to high quality international education to parents, students and staff members? How do you ensure your school is continually improving and keeping up with leading international education standards?


Homeschools are not accredited, while some distance learning programs are. You must negotiate with a high school counselor in advance if you wish such course work to count toward graduation should you wish to reenter that public school.

Does ACS WASC accredit home schools?
ACS WASC allows for the accreditation of independent study programs and/or homeschool programs that meet the following ACS WASC requirements… Individual homeschools where students are taught by parents at home are not eligible for ACS WASC accreditation.

WASC’s Frequently Asked Questions
Addresses such concerns as the transfer of credits between a non-accredited and an accredited educational institution.

What Is Accreditation? Should My Homeschool Be Accredited?
With the rise of online, distance learning programs for all grade levels comes a relatively new cottage industry of unofficial accrediting agencies. Shockingly, there are over 50 accrediting agencies of dubious nature in the US alone, designed primarily to support so-called “diploma mills.”

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise