Free Homeschooling Curriculum Materials

Free Curriculum

Home schools can be expensive or not so much. Take care not to spend so much that you can’t change course while you take time to plan for the future. You will be learning and making changes. Take advantage of these opportunities to borrow materials or to get some free supplies outright for your home school.

Supplies for home schools. This page has internet locations for ordering physical materials, curriculum and supplies. Get homeschooling and educational supplies for less. Free material that is available online is under the relevant page elsewhere on A to Z Home’s Cool. Use the site index or search engine above to find free online resources.

Multiple Topics

Described and Captioned Media
Provides services to benefit students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. Available to schools and families and are a free-loan library of described and captioned educational media and information related to accessible media. U.S. Department of Education funded.

Consumer Information Catalog
Free or nearly free booklets from the US government bookstore for learning activities, college planning, parenting concerns. Cover a huge range of subjects for families, homeschooling, bullying, colleges, distance and local school type activities.

Free Teaching Aids
Resource books, that aren’t free, which list lots of things that are available to homeschool parents as well as teachers.

Freecycle Network
Made up of many individual groups across the globe, it’s a grassroots movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. Each local group is run by a local volunteer moderator (them’s good people). Membership is free.

Lesson Plans
Websites that have planning home schools can use. The structured lesson plans are helpful. Usually these have goals and objectives and meet state standards for home schools.

Animals & Pets

Bear Safety in Alaska packet
Booklet and sticker to send for, or download pdf file and print for yourself.

Kindness to animals. Videos, DVDs, lesson plans, worksheets all free to network members. About how to affect the kind treatment of all animals.

Arts & Crafts

Free Art Supplies, Craft Supplies and Free Craft Samples
This page has so many links to internet sites that offer free craft samples and free art supplies. Take a look at what you can easily find using a computer.


Free Color Printer from Xerox
If you are running a home business, an association or large support group, a resource center or cottage school, you may qualify. You must buy all ink through them, and report on your usage. Homeschooling is a perfect enviroment for learning the value of utilizing business resources offered to the educational community including home schools.

Free Computers for Homeschoolers
Here is a list of options that can be availed to get Free Computers for Homeschoolers.

Freebyte’s Guide to Free Computers
Free used and recycled computers, mostly for schools, non-profit organizations and disadvantaged individuals.

Health & Safety

FEMA Publications
You can order printed copies of materials related to individual and community preparedness through the FEMA warehouse using our online ordering tool.

Safe Kids
Order free booklets about safety around electricity and natural gas.

Will Rogers Institute Educational Resources
Educational material on health issues for teens.


Tip: Many books specifically on home schooling can be found under the Dewey Decimal call numbers 371.042 and 649.68at your public library. Check with your library to see if they have a free mobile app for borrowing ebooks, audiobooks, and videos for free. My favorite is Libby.

101 Ways to Save Money on Homeschooling
This free e-book by Carletta Sanders can help you save hundreds of dollars by showing you what to buy, where to buy it, where to find freebies, how to have fun on a budget, and how to earn income from home.

Math, economics, journalism

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Free curriculum about money, monetary policy, banking supervision, financial services, and more for elementary through high school students.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise