South Africa Homeschooling

Black Mother and Daughter during an instructional time.

There are about 100,000 home educating families in South Africa.

Homeschooling, also referred to as home education, is estimated to be growing at a rate of around 20 percent per year in South Africa, with an estimated 100,000 children being homeschooled from Grade R to Grade 12. From Pestalozzi Trust.

Legal Information
Online Social Networks
Programs and Curriculum Providers
Support Groups


Association for Homeschooling
Since its inception in 1992, the we have promoted the recognition of the right of parents to educate their children within the family in South Africa, as it is recognised in art. 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right. Facebook page

Cape Home Educators
We work to maintaining a legal environment in which parents are able to educate their own children at home. We provide information on home education. We create platforms for home educators to meet and network. Facebook page.

Eastern Cape Homeschooling Association
The Association endeavours to obtain the recognition of society and the protection of the law for the obligation and concomitant right of parents to educate and school their children in every respect. A large site with lots of resources for all.

Western Cape Home Schooling Association
South Africa is just starting to format homeshooling laws. This site is of interest to all, to follow along with this struggle.

Legal Information

Pestalozzi Trust
A registered public benefit organisation that is exempt from income tax because it uses its income to make it possible for parents to choose home education with assurance and confidence and in the best interests of their children.

Home Schooling – South Africa Government Services
Do you prefer to teach your child at home? If so, apply to the head of your Provincial Education Department to register your child for home schooling. You can either teach your child or hire a tutor to do so.

Online Social Networks

Cambridge Primary Support for South African Homeschooling Families
This Group is for South African homeschooing families wanting to prepare for an easy transition to Cambridge high school (IGCSE & AS-Levels) using Cambridge Primary Materials to a greater or lesser degree as well as other resources. It’s a place to share these resources and personal experiences; a place to ask for other homeschoolers’ guidance and advice.

Christian Homeschooling in South Africa
An open Facebook group to support and encourage fellow Christian Homeschool families. A place where we can exchange ideas and discuss our journey of raising Godly children.

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool support group for South Africa
This is a group for homeschoolers in South Africa using the Easy Peasy All-in-one Homeschool curriculum (or thinking about using it). This group was made so we can talk about EP, help each other out, ask questions, create events and make new friends.

Homeschool and alternative schooling South Africa
Welcome to a space dedicated to supporting and connecting South African parents on their homeschooling and alternative schooling journeys. We understand that this is a personal choice and every family’s path is unique. Here, we embrace diversity and encourage open discussions about various homeschooling approaches, philosophies, and experiences.

Homeschooling Christians in South Africa
A place to share struggles, prayer requests, ideas and more related to homeschooling as Christians in South Africa. This is a closed group which means anyone can join but your posts will remain private within the group and will not feature on your newsfeed.

Homeschool Creative Corner South Africa
On this page you may do the following: Advertise your craft business. Sell your craft creation. Sell your craft items. Share good craft deals (online or retail). And of course buy and enquire!

Homeschool Junction
Active Facebook page with lots of resources, answered questions, and other reasons South African homeschool moms will want this page in their newsfeed.

Homeschooling in South Africa
A platform to share positive or other homeschooling experiences unique to the South African Experience.

Homeschooling Autism in South Africa
This is a closed Facebook group for people who are, or are interested in finding out about homeschooling a child on the spectrum. A place to chat and support each other. Contact admins to join.

Homeschooling Christians in South Africa
A place to share struggles, prayer requests, ideas and more related to homeschooling as Christians in South Africa. This is a closed group which means anyone can join but your posts will remain private within the group and will not feature on your newsfeed.

Homeschooling in South Africa
Would you like to sit back with a cup of coffee and chat online to other SA homeschoolers about any hs topic?

Homeschooling in South Africa
A platform to share positive or other homeschooling experiences unique to the South African Experience.

Homeschooling South Africa…behind the scenes.
A private page to come for advice or just to moan about the many not so wonderful parts of homeschooling.

Homeschooling Special Needs in South Africa
This is a group for people who are, or are interested in finding out about homeschooling a child with special needs. A place to chat and support each other.

Tuisonderwys in Suid-Afrika – Home education in South Africa
Lidmaatskap van die groep is nie beperk nie, en enigeen kan enige saak aanraak, mits dit direk of indirek met tuisonderwys verband hou. Membership of the list is not limited and any matter may be raised, provided that it relates directly or indirectly to home education.

Programs and Curriculum Providers

Brainline Tutor Centre
Brainline is the leader in Homeschooling and Distance Education in South Africa, with more than 20 years of experience. We are the only curriculum and assesment provider in SA currently accredited with a well known and recognised exam board as an exam centre – the IEB!. This accreditation ensures hassle-free access to the National Senior Certificate (grade 12) as issued by Umalusi. This means that we comply with all assessment standards and regulations set by the DoE, the IEB and Umalusi!

Clonard Home Education
Curricula for children from pre-school to Grade 10. The course for each grade is closely aligned to the syllabus in South African schools and is designed by highly qualified and experienced teachers. There is no need for the parent to be a qualified teacher, but parent involvement is essential.

Martie gives guidance to parents with children with special needs, children with special talents and giftedness and she also gives career guidance. Martie home educated her own daughter, Chamonix.

Home Schooling Curriculum Providers in South Africa
List with contact information from the Kwa-Zulu Natal Homeschooling Association.

Homeschool Services South Africa
A page for home school service providers or those who wish to promote their home school related products.

Nukleus Onderwys
Vakouteurs en verskaffer van Afrikaanse lesmateriaal en ondersteuningsdienste vir Christen ouers en leerlinge wat tuisonderrig verkies. Nukleus fokus op karaktervorming en kreatiewe denke.

Oikos Family Ministries
Oikos is a ministry which supports families in raising their children for Kingdom purpose with a biblical foundation. We offer high quality home education resources to encourage family unity. This enables parents to teach their children at home – from early years through to adult life.

Praetor Education Technology
How to use open source software to develop free curriculum online. Free Java lessons for educators. Good math and science resources already developed.


Footprints on Our Land
We invite you to explore our growing treasury of useful information about local homeschooling and some South African homeschooling curriculum options.

Home Schooling Resources in South Africa
Tuisskool Hulpbronne in Suid-Afrika
National and local support associations. Links in English and Africaans.

Homeschool Exchange South Africa
(2nd hand educational material) On this page you may buy, sell or request educational items among other South African homeschoolers.

Homeschool Resources – South Africa
A Facebook page where homeschooling parents can share resources that they found helpful.

Little Footprints
Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum consists of literature-based lesson plans that are designed to take you and your little ones on an armchair journey around South Africa, exploring the fascinating people, animals and places that make up our beautiful land.

Mathematics Enhancement Programme
AKA MEP Math. For each year there are practice books, detailed lesson plans, and copy masters to be used in lessons, as well as general information about the Primary MEP project. The MEP Year 1 pupil material translated into two South African languages, Sesotho and Setswana, which is being used in schools in North West Province.

Nukleus Onderwys
Nukleus Onderwys bied u die volledigste tuisskool pakket in sprankel Afrikaans. A curriculum and support centre for Afrikaans speaking home schoolers.

We are a homeschooling family with “Se7en + 1″ kids living in Fish Hoek, a seaside town just south of Cape Town in South Africa. We love sharing our outings and photo walks in and around Cape Town, showcasing what our city has to offer families.

South African Homeschool Curriculum
An estimated 100,000 families are homeschooling in South Africa. Shirley and Wendy are veteran homeschoolers who will help you to understand how homeschooling works and answer your questions. We invite you to explore our growing treasury of useful information about local homeschooling and some South African homeschooling curriculum options.

South Africa Homeschool Mum
The SA Home School Mum website, forum and blog is a site dedicated to making all home schooling information relating to South Africans available on one easy to use website We explore different curriculum options, legal aspects of home schooling, social activities and events, among other things.

Support Groups

Homeschool Western Cape
For anyone home schooling or interested in home schooling. Here we share information, organise outings and generally connect with other home schoolers in the Western Cape.

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise