British Columbia Homeschooling

British Columbia Flag

Field Trips
Distance Education Schools
Legal Information
Online Social Networks
Support Groups
Support Lists


B.C. Home Learners’ Association
BCHLA (Formerly CHEA) was founded to protect the individual rights of parents to choose the home education option and to conduct their child’s education according to their individual choices.

Field Trips

British Colombia Field Trips
Educational places to visit in British Colombia.

Distance Education Schools

Please note, students enrolled with the government-operated schools are not officially homeschoolers.

Burnaby Online Learning Options Online Program
One of the Burnaby School District’s “Good Places to Learn.”

Collaborative Educational Alternative Program
​​​​​School District 69 (Qualicum) resides on Coast Salish Territory and within the shared ​territory of the Snaw’naw’as and Qualicum First Nations.​​

Distance Education School of the Kootenays
For all students in School Districts 5, 6, 8, 10, 20, 51.

Heritage Christian Online School
We’re a long-established, independent school that has recently added a distributed learning program for homeschooled students. While we do offer online courses, we also offer enrollment to those who are using their own curriculum at home.

Key Learning Center
We are accepting registrations at all grade levels from anywhere in BC.

North Coast Distance Education School
For all students in School Districts 50, 52, 54, 82, 92.

North Island Distance Education School
For all students in School Districts 47, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 84, 85, and other provinces (except Saskatchewan) and other countries.

Oak and Orca Bioregional School
The program provides an integrated BC curriculum, a bioregional focus with global perspectives, hands-on, child-centred activities, choices for your child, and full teacher support.

South Central Interior Distance Education School
For all students in Schools Districts19, 22, 23, 53, 58, 67, 73, 74, 83.

South Island Distance Education School
For all students in School Districts 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 and in Saskatchewan.

Independent Schools

Kamloops Christian School
Services families all over the interior of BC – from Terrace to Golden, from Lytton to Valemount, and various points in between. They are willing to register homeschoolers from anywhere in the province.

SelfDesign Learning Center
(Formerly Wondertree Foundation) Our various programs enable authentic self-discovery and reflect respect for the rights of all learners, young and old, to assume responsibility for their own learning paths. Located in Creston, BC.

Vancouver Christian School
An independent school in Vancouver providing Christ-centered education from Kindergarten through grade 10.

Windsor House School
A parent-participation, democratic, academically non-coercive public school with about one hundred and fifty students and ten staff people. Located in North Vancouver.

Legal Information

British Columbia Homeschooling Policy
A new Homeschooling Procedures and Guidelines Manual has been released to supplement the existing Homeschooling Policy. The Manual summarizes requirements and optional better practices and will help to support homeschoolers and the schools that register them.

Classroom alternatives
Every September, parents have options for their child’s education. Talk to your local school district or independent school authority about specific options and program or course details.

Distributed Learning vs. Homeschooling
Students enrolled in a public or independent school distributed learning program and children who are registered as homeschooled by their parents have different legal definitions, rights and responsibilities under the School Act or Independent School Act.

Foundation Skills Assessment
This is a letter received from the Ministry of Education on the new Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA). It is not a required test for home educated learners; we still have freedom in the area of testing.

Home-schooling Statistics
Numbers of registered home-schooled students since the 1989/90 school year to the 2004-05 school year, including grants issued to registering schools.

Home Schooling Options
Various options are available to parents when choosing where and how their children will be educated. These include three options in which children complete their educational program at home.

Independent online learning programs
Distributed Learning is a method of instruction that relies primarily on indirect communication between students and teachers, including internet or other electronic-based delivery, teleconferencing or correspondence.

Online Social Networks

BC Homeschoolers of Special Needs Kids
This is a group open to all parents in British Columbia who are homeschooling children with special needs. We welcome all families interested in supporting each other, whether you have an official diagnosis or not.

BC Homeschoolers/Section 12/13 Registered option
A Facebook group for Registered/section 12\13 homeschoolers in BC. (DL or Enrollment is NOT considered homeschooling according to the BC government.)

BC Unschoolers/Homeschoolers
This is a BC Wide group for Homeschoolers / Homelearners/ Unschoolers.. whatever you call yourself to get information and support each other.


British Columbia Homeschool Chat and Swap
A site for just British Columbians who may be searching for certain curriculum, or have some to sell or pass on, or have questions and want to bounce ideas off each other, also ideas for educational field trips etc.

Online learning
B.C. has a long history of helping students learn from home successfully. Online learning continues to provide a flexible option for students to learn from home that meets provincial education standards.

Vancouver Public Library
Lots of community resources and eBooks. Join a reading program for kids!

Support Groups


Abbotsford Christian Home-School Association
Facebook. We are A Non-Denominational Christian Support Group for home schooling families in the Fraser Valley. We are one of the largest home school groups in Canada, with over 70 families, and growing each year. Families join us from Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Aldergrove, Langely, and even as far as Aggasiz.


Chilliwack and Area Homeschooling Group
This is a Facebook group for anyone homeschooling in the Chilliwack and surrounding areas. Please only post activities which are homeschooling related.


Edson Homeschool Community
A place for Edson Homeschool Family and Friends to connect and share events. We are a work in progress.


Surrey Homelearners
Facebook. A Homelearners support group centered in Surrey, British Columbia. We currently have members located in Surrey, White Rock, Delta, Langley, Abbotsford, and New Westminster.


Kelowna Homeschoolers
This Facebook page has been specifically created to connect homeschool families in Kelowna BC.


Central Okanagan Homeschoolers
This group is for anyone who homeschools or unschools their children or is interested in homeschooling or unschooling their children. We welcome families with children of all ages. Westbank, BC.



Homeschoolers of Northern BC – Prince George and beyond
This group is for anyone who schools their children at home anywhere in Northern BC. Registered, enrolled, just looking for info, all are welcome. Please use the group to post questions, information about events related to homeschool and curriculum you have available to sell.

Prince George BC Homeschoolers
Some of the events that are made available to PG Home members are: Monthly coffee nights; Support to homeschool families – those new to the journey, as well as those who are long time homeschoolers; Playgroups with other members; and more.

Prince George Home Educators’ Association
The site is geared for Prince George and area home educators, but it may be of some use to those beyond our local geography as well. We’re hoping that it will be used as a reference tool for those new to home education and also to those that are  more experienced.


Sooke Home Learners
For those who are homeschooling, unschooling, or planning to do so in the Sooke area. If you’re interested in learning more about home learning here in Sooke, feel free to join as well!


Heritage Home Learners Christian Homeschool Support Group
By choosing to become a member of Heritage Home Learners, we choose to support each other in our diversity.


Greater Vancouver Home Learners
We have listings of classes and activitiesoffered to homelearners in the Greater Vancouver area.

Greater Vancouver Parents of Special Needs Homeschoolers
At this time, to protect the privacy of our members and all of our awesome kids, this group is for parents of special needs kids only.

Homeschool Anime Vancouver
This group is open to homeschoolers in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland who are interested in Anime and Manga. For kids (and parents) who want to talk about and share their love of anime and manga, talk about upcoming events, and get together to cosplay, watch anime or share mangas.

A group for families in East Vancouver to connect and support each other through homelearning. This is a secular group.

Greater Vancouver Homelearning Teen and Tween Activities
A Facebook group for parents of home learning (homeschooling and DL schooling) teens and Tween in lower mainland area of BC (Vancouver to the Fraser Valley).

New Life Home School Association
We are a Christian support group of home schooling parents who meet monthly in the Burnaby, B.C. area to encourage each other, share information and resources, and learn new ways to help our children learn.

Preteens Connect – Unschool, Homeschool, Home-learner, Van. Lower Mainland
This group is to engage and connect preteens (8-13 year olds… ish) in the Vancouver and lower mainland BC areas, who are doing some form of alternative education… as meetups may take place during regular school hours. The goal is to help create strong supportive friendships and a fun active social group and community!

Vancouver BC Masked Homeschoolers
Homeschooling families in the greater Vancouver BC area who acknowledge the ongoing Covid pandemic and mitigate risks of its spread. Let’s stay masked and vaxed and careful, while still letting our kids have healthy fun together!


Home Learning Victoria – Blog
Feel free to wander around and check out what’s here — we’d love to read your responses. If you feel inspired to contribute a post or have a suggestion for a topic or link, just let us know. Created by Rebecca McClure.

Oceanside Homeschool Vancouver Island
A supportive environment to post about homeschooling. Also a way to invite other members to events/playdates, and share information.

Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands Community Home Learning
A Facebook Group for Vancouver Island and Gulf Island home learning families to connect, chat and share resources.

Vancouver Island Homeschoolers
This is a group for all homeschoolers on Vancouver Island to establish connections, gain support, share community and encourage one another.

An inclusive, free, non-directed email list for all Greater Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island families who learn at home.

Victoria BC Homeschoolers
A Facebook group for Victoria homeschoolers to meet, share information and organize cool stuff!

Victoria Home Learners’ Network Association
A non-profit society created to support home learning families in the Greater Victoria area. Our membership is comprised of families who follow diverse home learning paths – from traditional approaches to home schooling to “radical” unschooling to everything in between. Facebook group.

Support Group Lists

BC Homeschooling Support Groups BC
For your convenience, BCHEA has compiled a list of homeschool support groups from across the province. They are in alphabetical order according to the city/region they serve.

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Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise