Field Trip Guideline for Homeschool Parents

Field Tip Guidelines
  1. Only sign up for a field trip if you are committed to going! Arrangements are made according to planned attendance. It is a poor testimony if if the planner sets everything up for 50 people but only 10 show up. If an emergency does arise, please notify the coordinator as soon as possible.
  2. If you are not going on a particular field trip, complete the Field Trip Permission Slip and give it to the adult with whom you are entrusting your child.
  3. There will be a few field trips where preschool children or under a certain age may not be allowed to attend. There also may be instances where strollers are not permitted. Please respect these requests. If small children get disruptive, please take them out.
  4. Field trip attire should be in good taste, e.g. children should not wear ripped jeans, short shorts or dresses, tank tops etc, as these are formal outings. Certain field trips may require students to dress up, such as concerts.
  5. Prepare for the field trip. Do some research on the web so you know what you are getting into. Help your child understand a bit about the background of the activity. If your child isn’t ready for the fragility of the place or the rigorous activity, remember that the place will still be there another year when your child is more mature and able to enjoy it.
  6. Set expectations for appropriate manners ahead of time. Just make sure your child has memorized one or two expectations. Too many, and all get forgotten. For example: Raise your hand if you have a question and wait to be called on. After your question is answered, say, “Thank you.” Then sit quietly while others get their questions answered.
  7. Please be at the designated meeting place as close to on time as possible.
  8. Please wait until the entire group has arrived before going into the place of business. This will be less disturbing for the sponsors.
  9. As a parent, you must always know where your children are and what they are doing. Throughout the field trip your children need to be either with you or the person you have designated. Both kids and parents should be respectful, kind and courteous to the tour guides and to each other.
  10. Pick up after yourself. Place everything where it needs to be. Place all trash in a trash receptacle.
  11. Count heads and items. Are you leaving with everyone and every thing you came in with?
  12. Send thank-you cards to those who allowed you to tour their facility or who presented the activity.

Remember: First impressions last long! For some field trips, your group will represent the public’s first exposure to homeschooling. Let’s make it a good one!!

Ann Zeise
Author: Ann Zeise